HAgia Sophia Classical Academy
offers a complete Classical Education for students
from any background, K–12.

       A realistic Orthodox Classical Christian education doesn’t just take place during the school day. It becomes a way of life, inspiring young scholars to grow as men and women of virtue and noble character, who live purely, work eagerly, contemplate clearly, listen attentively, discern wisely, reason rightly and articulate accurately.


    To educate and challenge able and committed students by means of the seven liberal arts and the four sciences, based upon two millennia of enduring classical wisdom; a way of education that has been cultivated and nurtured by Christianity since the birth of the Church; a way of education that is both liberating and timeless. In other words, Orthodox Christian Classical Education in its truest form. We will cultivate in our students wisdom and virtue by nourishing their souls on truth, goodness and beauty. We will ready them to approach life and vocation in this world with exceptional skill, faith, humility, honor and delight to the end that, in Jesus Christ – the Logos, the Wisdom, the Word and the Son of God – these young men and women are better able to know and enjoy God and are better prepared to live out the Kingdom of God, both in this temporal life and in the life of the world to come.


    We desire that all students will embrace a lifelong love of God, of their fellow man and of learning; that they will grow as men and women of virtue and noble character who live purely, work eagerly, contemplate clearly, listen attentively, discern wisely, reason rightly and articulate accurately… and they will do all of this willfully from their hearts as an act of worship for the glory of the Triune God – the Father, the Son (Christ, the Logos) and the Holy Spirit.



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